SURI is a Malaysian social enterprise that strives to empower underprivileged / B40 mothers by providing financial opportunity and living skill of sewing. All of our beneficiaries undergo a 3 months period of creative sewing skill training to ensure quality assurance under our brand SURI Lifestyle. Thus far, we have 40 mothers under our wings that works as a full-time or a part-time basis with SURI. 10 of our mothers are now certified Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (Level 3) as part of our sustainable growth initiative.
+ We aim to give the mothers a long-term, reliable source of income. This creates a social impact beyond just supporting themselves and their families, giving the mothers a way to develop their personal growth and self reliance.
+ We are committed to help these mothers to become more productive and resourceful in order to be the best parent they can be for their children.
+ We educate and equip these mothers with resources, assistance, encouragement, training and networking in order for them to live a successful and productive lives.
+ We will continue to make a difference in the lives of the mothers and their families in the years to come.
+ We aim to erase the mindset of charitable offerings to these mothers, but instead we are geared towards income based plan through employment support program. As they work and earn a living it will leave an impact of growth and personal improvement to them and their children.